Sunday, November 25, 2007

This weeks adventures of Egyptian Pyramids/Jordanian Rock Cities/ Sinian Snorkeling/ Bedouin Villages/ Red Sea Camels/ Israel Fortress Goodness

I have had very busy conclusion to my time in the Middle East. Now I am prepare to get on a flight to Thailand to chill out for a while I need a bit of a vacation so my plane is leaving tommorrow morning. I am in a bit of conflict right now I have been in contact with so many great people travelers and locals and I feel like there are still many beautiful places to see in Israel, it would be very easy for me to stay here a while longer, but then again Thailand is sounding pretty good to me as well I hear the beaches are great along with some sweet islands, cliffs and jungles ( not to mention the other surrounding countries). But you know these are the kind of struggles that a person faces when traveling. I want you all to know that despite me being in this very difficult situation (trying to decide which incredible place I should spend my time) I'm going to work it out and it is going to be ok. Its not an easy job but somebodies got to do it. I don't want anyone to feel bad for me because after I was the one that put myself in this situation. Just keep me in your thoughts, and if anyone feels the need to come over here and help me out in my efforts I would gladly welcome the support.

Much Love,

Monday, November 12, 2007

I have returned from the desert

It has been a whirlwind of festivals, camping in the desert, rainbow gathering, and hitchhiking, in the southern part of Israel over the last three weeks. Life is good I have been learning and growing a lot here. The picture to the left is where I spent many hours over looking the desert in prayer and meditation while at the rainbow gathering. I feel like I have been coming to some amazing relizations during my time in Israel. Right now I have less then two weeks before I will be getting on a flight to Thailand. I am leaving today for Egypt and if I have time I will also go to Jordan. The following posts are from my adventures over the last few weeks.

Much Love thanks for reading, and I apprieciate your comments,

Rainbow Gathering

The Rainbow Gathering lasted for about 4 weeks, I was there for two weeks of it. There were 100-200 people camping out during the week and then on the weekends the numbers grew to 400-500 people. It was an amazing experience it won't be the last rainbow gathering that I spend time at.


At the lowest point in the world its like the Dead Sea is saying that you've gone to low and if you try to go lower beneath the surface of the water it says no.

Dead Sea Mud Meditation

After a nice mud lathering I meditated on the shore of the Dad sea until the mud was completely dry before rinsing of in the salty water

Sunset Trance Party

This is the most recent festiva that I was at located near the Dead Sea. It was a music and dance festival.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Oasis in The Desert

I'm still rock'n it in the desert. I'm currently at an Ashrum in the desert and will be going to a dancing festival on the Dead Sea soon. More stories and pictures to come soon.

Much Love