It’s starting to heat up here and the days are getting a bit longer. I imagine it is exactly the opposite for most of you reading this post.

Things are coming along great we are continuing with the improved kitchens project that I described in last months post.

This is a new room that was recently added on to the kindergarten. It will be used like a cafeteria. I can’t think of a better place to install one of the improved stoves.
We also started another project that has to do with raising knowledge about waste management below is a video the we made with the youth intended to promote awareness.
So far the youth have helped to produce 4 different videos about health related topics. We had an evening last week in which we borrowed a projector and presented all of the videos to the community. It was great we set up the projector in the plaza and had tons of popcorn. We had over 100 people come… not bad for a town of 300. It was a cool opportunity for the youth to show what they have been working on; I think that they were proud of the videos.

This is another birthday that I got invited to.

My garden is coming along nicely, unfortunately many of the seeds never sprouting (I think they were too old). However there is cilantro, cucumbers, onions, and tomatoes.
On the way to the city we had plan to leave first thing in the morning as usual. The night before leaving we drove to another village for a party. Our driver got too drunk to drive back so we all took the couple hour walk in the middle of the night (through the jungle with no light) back to our village. The next morning we got up to drive to the city, but of course the driver was hung over and the truck was in the other village. So we waited around all morning then in the afternoon the driver retrieved the truck and we were on our way. About an hour into the drive we came across a line of cars stopped in the single lane dirt road. There was an accident and a small truck basically got stuck underneath a big truck (It’s not quite as bad as in sounds, there were no major injuries). But we did have to wait for a few more hours for the police to come and clear the wreckage. So after a long day we finally got in to the city at about 8:00pm compared to the usual 1:00pm.

This is my partner Monica.

Thanks so much for your interest and support.